Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Pregnancy Still Not Going as Planned

Most women have an idea of how they want their pregnancy, labor, and delivery to go. No complications, just typical pregnancy angst and a pain-prevention method and delivery style of their choice. I believe that is the idea. This has not happened for me. This pregnancy has been wrong from the beginning. I believe I might have someone else's pregnancy.

My plan was to have a girl and to have her in the water at the midwife birthing center. I have always said that if I ever got pregnant I would want a water birth. It was the one thing I was adamant about. Well, due to my fertility specialist putting me on Metformin, the midwife sent me to UT Medical Hospital High Risk Obstetrics to have me checked for gestational diabetes. Due to some fluke fasting numbers (and the desire for my money), UT decided I did indeed have gestational diabetes and that I needed to be on Glyburide.

For those that don't know, if you have gestational diabetes then you cannot have a water birth. They told me I could still labor in the water though so I decided it was an okay settlement. I also found out that I am positive for Group B Strep. I don't know much about it other than it means that I will have to have antibiotics administered by IV during labor. Yay. And, of course, as we know I am having a boy. I cried on and off for three days over the fact. I am still not thrilled about it and every time I have an ultrasound I hope to hear that they were wrong. I will hope until the day it's finally born that he will actually be a she. After that I will just hope he turns out to be ultra-feminine.

So up until this point, I've not been a happy camper per se. However, I was okay with the settling I had done and was content to carry on. Then yesterday happened. I went to my midwife appointment as usual. I met with the director of the place who was one of only two midwives available that day. She told me that it was a pretty unanimous decision that I have a hospital delivery due to the possible complications.


At this point, I was in extreme pain from SPD (symphysis pubis dysfunction) which the midwife brushed off as round ligament pain that I couldn't do anything about, and I'd already compromised the way I wanted my delivery to be in every possible way so I didn't care. I asked if I could birth in my town rather than drive an hour to their nearest hospital. She said the only issue would be that there was no way a midwife could come assist at a birth in my town. However, she also said with them being so short-handed the possibility of having a midwife be able to attend my delivery if I went up there was still slim.

I'm 37 weeks today and I really don't care where or how he comes just that he does. I want him out of me. This whole pregnancy has been hell and I want to move past it. I want to start feeling comfortable again. I want to be attractive again. I can do that a lot easier as a mom than I can as a pregnant chick. Haha!

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