Thursday, September 22, 2011

Therapy and Puppy Spaying in the Future

I had my first appointment with the therapy center today. It was just called an "intake appointment." So I didn't actually get any therapy. It was just filling out paperwork and answering questions. My first real therapy appointment is October 4th. I'm kind of annoyed about having to wait that long after having to wait like three weeks for this appointment, but at least I have the hope that my depression won't forever rule my life.

Next week, I'm taking my puppy to the vet to get spayed. I'm a bit nervous about it. I have had four dogs fixed, but one was such a bad experience that it really scares me everytime. There was many issues surrounding that incident though. I took her to Fix-A-Pet (yes, it's a real place) because they offered low-cost spay and neutering and considering that was their primary reason for existing I assumed they would be good at it.

She was still too drugged up for me to take home, but they convinced me she was fine. She could not control her own body. I had her in the back seat on the ride home and somehow her head slipped under my seat and got stuck. I was in hysterics. The only thing I could do was pull her out by her tail. I felt terrible doing it and I didn't want to disrupt her stitches, but at least I got her out.

After that she slept, but then that night she just stayed awake and cried. I gave her a tranquilizer they gave me, but it didn't seem to help. She would try to stand and her front leg just crumbled beneath her. This happened repeatedly and her leg really seemed to bother her. I called Fix-A-Pet, but they were completely useless saying nothing was wrong with her. Bryan and I took her to the emergency vet. The tranquilzer apparently kicked in for the ride there. She just layed in the back of the car with whichever one of us was back there with her. The vet said she was super-dehydrated so they loaded her up with fluids and gave her pain medication. They told me that the vet that treated her should have given me pain medication along with the tranquilzer for her. They offered to keep her overnight, but I knew that the bill was going to be astronomical as was so we opted to take her home. It took a few days, but she did finally get to a fairly normal state again. I was so scared that night though.

I have since then only used my normal vet. The extra cost is worth the health and safety of my pets. However, I do wait until the last possible hour to pick my pet up that way as much as the anesthetic as possible will be wore off. It also means if any problems do arise within the hours after her surgery, she will be in the vet's office already and it can be addressed immediately.

So wish me and my little Skye lots of luck that we both survive! I do love my animals very much. :)

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